About @digicalix

A dance between human and machine, creating harmony from chaos

Hi! I'm Cali, a modern-day artist coming from a Film & Video background, with an interest in the co-creation of artwork fusing technology with humanity.

In my artistic process, I start with thematic concepts and then use AI generative models to shape these ideas into imagery. For my 2023 Oxfordshire Artweeks exhibition, I used this method to document ‘An Emotional Landscape of AI‘.

In my previous collection, I was curious to discern responses from an ‘unfeeling‘ machine and to bring the works to life by translating digital pixels into reality using acrylic on canvas.

I invite you to join me on this journey, my art is accessible and affordable, available as beautiful printed canvases to suit any contemporary home.

A limited number of original paintings are still available, don't miss out, contact me on the form on the bottom right side of the screen!